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Communication is the key

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

So it seems that there has been a communication breakdown here at OHO. I thought my trusty assistant Splash was looking after a lot of the admin side of things - you know checking the floors for stray beans and sorting stuff generally in the roastery, sniff tests for air quality, general on site security (proven to be very capable in this area), and a little general admin - like the web site. Well seems that she has been doing a stellar job with most things except I assumed she was maintaining the website hosting. Not the case. So in short the web site has been down for a bit, quite a bit. Ive had a word, but seems I never really communicated this very well to said assistant. My bad. Communication lacking.

Anyway roasting continues and thank the canine gods its summer and its toasty warm in the roastery - well some days too warm, and my trusty assistant can't be found anywhere. She is usually outside somewhere in a cool shady spot. Smart.

Currently roasting a lovely Brazilian natural with a nutty rich flavour. Regular updates forthcoming now that we have the admin sorted!

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