I wanted to let you know that I’m still alive. Its been a little while, so this is what the pup and I have been up to.
Now 9 months old and a whopping 7kg, she is entering the stroppy teenager period, aka ‘likes to get her own way’. Let's just say bedtime has become bark time.
To boot she has developed quite an intolerance for the postman. Its all well and good for the postie to deliver to the door (very convenient when outside its minus-friggin-freezing and I do appreciate that Canada Post) but I’d be happy with you leaving it at the gate.
Splash lets rip when he comes to the door, so we’ve been trying to train her (aka dishing out copious amounts of high value treats) not to bark. Not really a success story to be told on that one. Not yet anyway.
On a positive note she is a trouper in the roastery. And now that my hands have thawed out from the February cold snap I have been more motivated in hitting the roasting room again.
Recent roasts include a lovely bean from El Salvador - a Bourbon varietal from Finca (farm) Noruega. Wow - a true gem of a brew can be had from those.
One loyal customer writes: “OMG! The El Salvador is Amazing. Flavour is delicious and the smell of the ground beans is exquisite”. I have to agree wholeheartedly with you on that one!
I’ve also been roasting a Costa Rican bean - a black honey microlot - which I’m enjoying a lot. Plenty of flavour and nutty sweetness. Then there is the standard Colombian and Brazilians that keep delivering so consistently as well.
One thing I did try was a Jamaican Blue Mountain - a little Christmas treat to myself (it cost a small fortune) but definitely well worth it. It even got the significant other’s taste buds in high alert - which is a rare occurrence when it comes to coffee.
So next up:
I've been investigating getting a bigger roaster, which would really up my game. Stay tuned, I may be able to start my export drive to the antipodes before too long.
Keep drinking the best coffee you can get your hands on. You may need to get in touch !